From the Bench
Every so often I will let you view what is sitting on my bench. Most of the time what sits there are projects that require many steps and more time than I have in a single day. These works are in process and you will be able to follow them along.
Right now I am working on several pieces that are similar to the majolica clay and sterling pieces that have sold out of the etsy shop. These are bigger scale pieces and incorporate the blue blossom tiles. I have also started a piece with a lemon tile I made as an option for a custom order.
Here is the "plan":
And here it is translated to sterling.

What else is on the bench today? I am working on rings so I am making bezels for the vintage crystal and glass cabs I have. Bezels are a staple for silversmiths and should be one of the first things to master. Making bezels uses all your skills and is a stepping stone to more advanced work.

Back to work.....