From the Bench

Bling rings on the bench.
Vintage Swarovski crystal cabochons and sterling silver settings.
I have been a busy beaver, We had an extra day off this week! thank you Fay! all the schools were closed on Tuesday and I got to stay home and play in the studio. Those are good days. No damage here on our home front, although there was a tornado that touched down a couple of miles away and that made the national news. Also heard about my neighborhood on NPR today on the radio. Seems as a lion and a tiger got out again. Oops! It did end better this time as they did not make it off their own property this time, and were safely returned to their cages. I so enjoy the possibility of waking up to a tiger in the yard. Keeps you on your toes. Honestly, the gentleman that keeps them was Tarzan many years ago and has a nice bit of property where he has a sanctuary for large cats.
Down the road a bit is Lion Country Safari. We have lots of fabulous lions, elephants, and other such wonderful creatures. None of them has ever made a break for it, so far as I know. But you can get pretty up close and personal.
And then there's the alligators....but that's for another day.
I live in a awesome neighborhood.