From theBench...

It has been awhile, sorry! My youngest daughter has been sick. I thought she had just caught my cough that I have had for the past couple of weeks and still cannot seem to shake, but she has strep throat. So she is needing more of my time lately and I have little time left to blog.
I have been trying to finish the last of the series of bling rings. I must say I like this one best. It is the same vintage Swarovski crystal from the other bling rings, but in green. It has a patterned band like the first, but thinner like the second. It is just right.
It will soon be added to the shop to take it's place with the clear bling and the blue bling.
I also have some new mixed media earrings to add to the shop. Hopefully I can get some pictures taken and get them listed. They are a really fresh idea, and I am really excited about keep a look out.
I told you all about the rain and the general sogginess of everything here. Well it seems to be perfect conditions for tree frog love. The wee tiny tree frog babies are everywhere out side, and boy do they make a lot of noise.
They are just so adorable I had to take a few pictures...these are on our banana tree just outside the back screen.