Just a quick note about whats new. The hammered hearts with gemstones are being
added to the etsy shop
one by one. The newest is a fat 1.5 ct London blue topaz.
So pretty! I just love this shade. Also the hammered stacking bands with gemstones will be added soon, but it has been rainy all day which makes for bad pictures.
I have been "piddling" at my computer lately as my husband likes to call it. I have been reading blogs and roaming around randomly on the Internet more than I would normally do. I have been reading up on Buddhism for fun and found out that you tube really is awesome. There seems to be alot more down time lately in the studio for me to just ramble around. I guess its the equivalent of shuffling around the house in your jammies and fuzzy slippers.
Life seems to have gone into slow motion. There are still all the activities with the kids. SAC meetings, flag football, and debate mom stuff, but there isn't the mad rush. It's easier lately. I know that is because I don't have deadlines anymore. I don't have a backlog of orders. One of my children is pretty much self sufficient and I barely see him between college and work-so there is also one less team sport.
It is slower. I wonder what it will be like next year when another spreads her wings and flies the coop. Then the little one really won't be very little anymore. I'll have to relearn how to cook for less than an army (or at least two teenagers).
I could get used to this pace. I guess I didn't know I didn't have any "free time" until I found some. huh.
I imagine I should use this time wisely, stock up for the upcoming holiday season when I know I will get crazy again, but I kind of like rambling around in jammies and fuzzy slippers.
added to the etsy shop

So pretty! I just love this shade. Also the hammered stacking bands with gemstones will be added soon, but it has been rainy all day which makes for bad pictures.
I have been "piddling" at my computer lately as my husband likes to call it. I have been reading blogs and roaming around randomly on the Internet more than I would normally do. I have been reading up on Buddhism for fun and found out that you tube really is awesome. There seems to be alot more down time lately in the studio for me to just ramble around. I guess its the equivalent of shuffling around the house in your jammies and fuzzy slippers.
Life seems to have gone into slow motion. There are still all the activities with the kids. SAC meetings, flag football, and debate mom stuff, but there isn't the mad rush. It's easier lately. I know that is because I don't have deadlines anymore. I don't have a backlog of orders. One of my children is pretty much self sufficient and I barely see him between college and work-so there is also one less team sport.
It is slower. I wonder what it will be like next year when another spreads her wings and flies the coop. Then the little one really won't be very little anymore. I'll have to relearn how to cook for less than an army (or at least two teenagers).
I could get used to this pace. I guess I didn't know I didn't have any "free time" until I found some. huh.
I imagine I should use this time wisely, stock up for the upcoming holiday season when I know I will get crazy again, but I kind of like rambling around in jammies and fuzzy slippers.